Tales of Tall Trees: Surviving Calamities, Controversies & Conformities

Pine trees
Tall trees on the hill
Facing wildfires and landslides

Walking amidst the woods near the mountains,

Seeking respite from the heat in the northern plains,

Thinking how we have created concrete, plastic and glass urban landscape,

And as temperature keeps soaring we look for ‘natural’ places to escape,

Grateful to move under the shades provided by these trees,

While remembering the food and abode they provide for creatures which ranges from birds to bees,

Trees grow while taking elements from the soil through their roots,

Also give back to other species their gifts in various forms that include fruits,

These trees for many years have been standing tall,

But for certain calamities some humans make them take the ‘fall’,

Even as many know that they fall mostly due to soil erosion,

It is biased outlook when for ‘unnatural’ damages some humans blame trees as the only reason,

But these trees, who support various species from bugs to worms,

Are also victims of landslides, floods, wildfires and storms.

Naturally trees are evolved where they meant to be,

Their struggle to grow up is not that easy,

Now plantation drives are in a spree,

But some people plant trees in places where they are not meant to be in a hurry,

Humans generally plant or protect trees based on their utility or beauty,

But sustainability of a landscape depends on native species’ stability,

When other species or landscapes are measured only for their economic value,

Many innocent lives may face danger or distress if authorities take this short-sighted view, 

Trees have been human beings’ allies for many years during natural calamities,

They were forefront in reducing the impacts of many climate catastrophes,

Now that natural balance has been thwarted,

As destruction of old habitats are initiated by intentions that are commercially contorted,

Old grown trees which are alive or dead are insects’ refuge,

Taking them out from the landscapes will lead to repercussions on insect populations that are quite huge,

Birds need insects and worms to feed their young ones,

All species in the wild are connected to each other through their ecological functions, 

The Development versus Environment debate is on a warpath,

Will hasty policies ever take account of the impending ecological aftermath?

Planting native trees might be good for landscape restoration or regeneration,

But is it right to use plantation drives just as a compensation for deforestation?

People are happy when big corporations give something extra or free,

But why do they undermine the life support services that made freely available by each tree,

We understand mitigating climate crises is a global affair,

Protecting the native biodiversity is also a climate action which is fair,

For the monetary gains and consumer conveniences that benefits a few,

Entire public avoid the truth that their fast consumption patterns need a review,

For the cost of materialistic amenities and metropolitan conveniences,

Many have given away the benefits of healthy living conditions,

Humans for now maybe surviving in such unhealthy places with major compromises,

Nature can provide solutions which we must learn before the dire situations arise,

Slowly changes are happening in authorities’ and public perception for conservation,

But all over the world it is quite low compared to the amount of environmental destruction, 

As it’s time to think and act on nature based solutions,

By policymakers opening up to constructive eco-friendly opinions,

Authorities working by respecting the role of native fauna and flora in respective regions,

Members of local communities can function as local biodiversity observers and custodians,

Visitors in the wildlife habitats must be mindful for their consumption and behaviour,

Resident wild species must be safe from dangerous traffic and man-made clamour,

Need more individuals to spread their nature awareness and benevolence among people like roots towards this Earth,

While learning from these tall trees who serve nature in their life and even after their death…

©  Nishand Venugopal.  All rights reserved.  

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