Following the Coucal’s Calls…

Greater Coucal
Greater Coucal in flight

Met an interesting member of the bird species,

One with a black head and vivid pair of red eyes,

Whose appearance and deep ringing call was theme for many superstitions,

This one is from the bird family named Greater Coucals or Crow Pheasants,

Harmless bird which minds its own business,

Moving around are looking preys that include snails and insects,

Even though they belong to the order of Cuculiformes,

They prepare their own nests which is against the general Cuckoo norms,

Flying for short distances,

Moving around from ground to various closer perches,

A bird with broad brown wings and long black tail,

Watching it fly will enthral you without any fail,

Flapping for a while and then gliding a bit in the air,

There is more in them to appreciate if you observe them with care,

Earlier despised due to lot of misconceptions,

Still survived and adapted to various human habitations,

Humankind’s friend by feeding on various insects and other pests,

But they need trees and suitable habitats to build their nests,

Pollution can create an irreparable mess in their life,

A crisis that is driving many organisms towards the edge of a knife,

Let’s not take the role of biodiversity in our welfare quite light,

It’s high time to set things right,

By human beings recognising the difference between need and greed,

Respecting the animals’ behaviour and habitats is what I plead,

The healthy positive interaction that you have with other species around you,

It’s a boost to your mental wellbeing which is a fact that’s true,

These birds must fly free and wild,

This is what you must wish for them in your mind,

To the Greater Coucal; it’s time to bid adieu,

Every day for a nature enthusiast there is always a scope to find something new…

 Nishand Venugopal.  All rights reserved.

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